Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012 | By: Carla Nueva

Percakapan 46-50

Percakapan 46

Laura: Halo?

Jack: Hai, apakah Heather ada?
Hi, is Heather there please?

Laura: Maaf, salah sambung.
Sorry, I think you have the wrong number.

Jack: Apakah ini enam-satu-tujuh-dua-dua-delapan-dua-dua-delapan-sembilan?
Is this 617-228-2289?

Laura: Ya. Anda mau bicara dengan siapa?
Yes. Who are you looking for again?

Jack: Heather Johnson.
Heather Johnson.

Laura: Oh, saya pikir Anda bilang Laura. Maaf. Nomornya betul, tapi Heather tidak ada sekarang.
Oh, I thought you said Laura. Sorry about that. This is the right number, but Heather's not here right now.

Jack: Anda tahu dia pergi ke mana?
Do you know where she went?

Laura: Dia pergi ke toko untuk membeli bahan makanan. Mau tinggalkan pesan?
She went to the store to buy some groceries. Would you like to leave a message?

Jack: Ya, tolong bilang dia kalau Eric Martin menelepon, ya?
Yes, would you please tell her Eric Martin called?

Laura: Hai Eric, ini teman serumah Kathy. Saya bertemu dengan Anda dua bulan yang lalu di pesta Natal.
Hi Eric, this is her roommate Kathy. I met you a couple months ago at the Christmas party.

Jack: Oh ya. Apa kabar?
Oh, yes. How are you?

Laura: Baik. Heather mungkin pulang sekitar dua puluh menit lagi. Nanti saya bilang bahwa Anda menelepon.
Good. Heather will be back in about 20 minutes. I'll tell her you called.

Jack: Oke. Terima kasih.
OK. Thanks.

Laura: Da dah.
Bye bye.

Percakapan 47

Tina: Halo?

Joe: Hai Tina, ini Joe.
Hi Tina, It's Joe.

Tina: Hai Joe.
Hi Joe.

Joe: Bagaimana cuaca di sana sekarang?
How's the weather there today?

Tina: Dingin sekali. Ada salju setiap hari dan sekolah tutup lebih awal.
It's really cold. It snowed all day and the schools closed early.

Joe: Berapa suhunya?
What's the temperature?

Tina: Sekarang tiga puluh derajat. Pagi ini bahkan lebih dingin.
It's 30 degrees now. It was even colder this morning.

Joe: Apakah Anda sudah dengar kalau cuacanya akan seperti ini besok?
Have you heard what the weather is going to be like tomorrow?

Tina: Saya nonton berita sedkit tadi. Mereka bilang mungkin besok turun salju.
I was watching the news a little earlier. They said it's probably going to snow tomorrow.

Joe: Saya kurang suka musim dingin. Saya harap ini musim panas.
I really don't like the winter. I wish it were summer.

Tina: Saya juga. Bagaimana cuaca di tempat Anda?
Me too. How's the weather where you are?

Joe: Lumayan, tapi agak dingin juga di sini. Sekitar empat puluh lima hari ini dan bakal hujan sore ini. Saya dengar besok agak lebih hangat.
It's not too bad, but it's pretty cold here too. It was about 45 today and it rained this afternoon. I heard it's going to be a little warmer tomorrow.

Percakapan 48

Tom: Sebentar lagi Natal. Apa yang akan Anda lakukan akhir minggu ini?
It's almost Christmas. What are you doing this weekend?

Sara: Tidak ada yang khusus, hanya kerja saja. Kenapa?
Nothing special, just working. Why do you ask?

Tom: Begini, saya belum selesai belanja Natal. Apakah Anda mau ikut berbelanja dengan akhir minggu ini?
Well, I still haven't finished my Christmas shopping. Do you want to go shopping with me this weekend?

Sara: Saya mau, tapi saya tidak yakin kalau saya bisa. Kerjaan sibuk sekali akhir-akhir ini. Bagaimana kalau kita pergi hari Jumat?
I'd like to, but I'm not sure if I can. Work has been really busy lately. Why don't we go on Friday instead?

Tom: Jumat kurang baik. Saya kira toko akan ramai sekali dan saya juga harus bekerja.
Friday's not good. I think the stores will be very crowded and I have to work.

Sara: Oke, kalau begitu ayo berbelanja akhir minggu ini saja. Harusnya saya bisa tahu kalau bisa ikut atau tidak hari Jumat ini. Boleh saya telepon nanti?
OK, then let's try to go this weekend. I should know if I can go by Friday. Is it OK if I call you then?

Tom: Ya, tentu saja.
Yeah, that's fine.

Sara: Berapa nomor Anda?
What's your number?

Tom: Dua-tiga-tiga-tiga-tiga-satu-delapan-delapan-dua-delapan. Saya berikan alamat e-mail juga.
233-331-8828. Let me give you my email address too. It's

Sara: Oke, nanti kita ngobrol lagi.
OK, I'll talk to you soon.

Tom: Oke

Percakapan 49

Vicky: Halo?

Ben: Hai Vicky.
Hi Vicky.

Vicky: Apakah Anda sudah di sana?
Are you there yet?

Ben: Ya.

Vicky: Saya baru saja turun dari subway. Saya hampir sampai di sana. Maaf terlambat.
I just got off the subway. I'm almost there. Sorry I'm late.

Ben: Tidak masalah. Saya Cuma mau bilang kalau saya di dalam.
That's no problem. I just wanted to tell you I'm inside.

Vicky: Anda di mana?
Where are you?

Ben: Di lantai dua.
On the second floor.

Vicky: Apakah saya sebaiknya ke lantai dua atau Anda yang ke lantai satu?
Should I come to the second floor or do you want to come to the first floor?

Ben: Naik ke lantai atas saja.
Come upstairs.

Vicky: Apa?

Ben: Lh, bisa dengar saya? Saya bilang, naik ke lantai dua saja.
Oh, Can you hear me OK? I said, come to the second floor.

Vicky: Oh, oke. Anda sedang buat apa di sana?
Oh, OK. What are you doing there?

Ben: Hanya lihat-lihat buku tentang bagaimana cara belajar bahasa Inggris.
Just looking at some books on how to learn English.

Vicky: Anda mau makan nanti?
Do you want to get something to eat later?

Ben: Tidak. Saya masih kenyang dari makan malam.
No, I'm still full from dinner.

Vicky: Anda mau buat apa?
What do you want to do?

Ben: Belum tahu. Waktu Anda sampai di sini kita akan bicarakan soal itu.
I don't know for sure. When you get here we'll talk about it.

Vicky: Oke, sampai bertemu sebentar lagi.
OK, see you soon.

Ben: Dah.

Percakapan 50

Rachel: Craig, pekerjaan Anda apa?
Craig, what do you do for work?

Craig: Saya masih mahasiswa.
I'm still a student.

Rachel: Anda belajar di mana?
What school do you go to?

Craig: Universitas Boston.
Boston University.

Rachel: Itu sekolah bagus. Anda belajar apa?
That's a good school. What do you study?

Craig: Saya belajar bahasa Inggris, matematika dan sejarah. Major saya bahasa Inggris.
I'm studying English, math, and history. My major is English.

Rachel: Sudah berapa lama belajar bahasa Inggris?
How long have you been studying English?

Craig: Lebih dari enam tahun.
More than six years.

Rachel: Waktu yang panjang.
That's a long time.

Craig: Ya, saya mulai belajar bahasa Inggris waktu di SMA.
Yeah, I started to learn English when I was in high school.

Rachel: Tidak mengherankan kalau bahasa Inggris Anda baik sekali.
No wonder your English is so good.

Craig: Sebenarnya tidak begitu bagus. Saya bisa membaca tapi tidak berbicara secara lancar. Saya belum punya waktu untuk latihan.
Actually, it's not that good. I can read but I can't speak very well. I haven't had a lot of chance to practice.

Rachel: Bicara pada orang lain sangat penting.
I see. Talking with other people is very important.

Craig: Ya, tapi saya masih belum punya banyak teman di sini.
Yes, but I still don't have many friends here yet.

Rachel: Saya akan menyelanggarakan pesta di apartemen saya malam ini. Anda harus datang. Oke, terima kasih sudah mengundang saya.
I'm having a party tonight at my apartment. You should come

Craig: Oh terima kasih atas undangannya. Saya mau datang.
Oh thanks for inviting me. I'd love to come.