Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012 | By: Carla Nueva

Percakapan 36-40

Percakapan 36

Eric: Hai Anna, silakan masuk.
Hi Anna, come in.

Ana: Wah, apartemen Anda berantakan.
Wow, your apartment is a mess.

Eric: Saya tahu, saya belum sempat beres-beres sebelum Anda datang.
I know, I didn't have time to put things away before you got here.

Ana: Lihat! Apakah semua di sofa itu pakaian Anda?
Look! Are those all your clothes on the couch?

Eric: Ya.

Ana: Bersih?
Are they clean?

Eric: Sebenarnya hampir semuanya kotor. Saya belum sempat cuci baju. Biasanya saya tunggu sampai saya bisa cuci baju di rumah orang tua saya.
Actually most of them are dirty. I haven't done laundry in a while. I usually wait until I can do it at my parent's house.

Ana: Saya dan adik saya biasanya pergi ke tempat cuci pakaian di ujung jalan. Kenapa Anda tidak ke sana saja?
My sister and I usually go to the laundromat down the street. Why don't you go there?

Eric: Saya tahu saya harus, tapi tempat itu kurang begitu nyaman. Anda harus menunggu untuk waktu yang lama.
I know I should, but that place isn't very convenient. You have to wait for a long time.

Ana: Ya saya tahu. Saya harus buat itu setiap minggu. Ngomong-ngomong, apakah Anda siap untuk pergi?
Yes I know. I have to do it every week. Anyway, are you ready to go?

Eric: Belum, saya belum siap. Saya masih harus menggosok gigi dan mencuci muka. Bisa tunggu sebentar?
No I'm not ready yet. I still have to brush my teeth and wash my face. Can you wait for a few minutes?

Ana: Oke, tapi cepat-cepat, ya. Saya pikir restorannya sebentar lagi tutup.
OK, but please hurry. I think the restaurant is closing soon.

Percakapan 37

Andrew: Pam, di mana ATM terdekat?
Pam, where's the closest ATM?

Pam: Tidak terlalu jauh. Apakah Anda lihat gedung berwarna kuning di sana?
It's not that far. Do you see that Yellow building over there?

Andrew: Yang besar atau yang kecil?
The big one or the small one?

Pam: Yang besar.
The big one.

Andrew: Ya.

Pam: ATM-nya terletak pas di samping gedung itu, di sebelah kanan.
It's right next to it, on the right.

Andrew: Apakah Anda tahu kalau ada warung atau toko kecil di sekitar sini?
Do you know if there's a convenience store around here?

Pam: Saya kira tidak ada. Yang paling dekat terletak di "3rd Street", tapi mungkin sudah tutup sekarang.
I don't think there's one around here. The closest one is on 3rd street, but that's probably closed now.

Andrew: I betul-betul perlu membeli sesuatu sebelum berangkat.
I really need to get some things before I leave.

Pam: Anda bisa pergi ke "22nd Street". Ada banyak toko yang buka dua puluh empat jam di sana.
Well, you could go down to 22nd street. There are lot of stores down there that are open 24 hours a day.

Andrew: Apakah saya bisa naik subway ke sana?
Can I take the subway to get there?

Pam: Ya, tapi mungkin makan waktu sekitar setengah jam. Anda sebaiknya naik taksi.
Yes, but that'll probably take about half an hour. You should just take a cab.

Andrew: Bukannya mahal?
Won't that be expensive?

Pam: Tidak kalau dari sini, saya kira hanya sekitar lima dolar.
No, from here I think it's only about 5 dollars.

Percakapan 38

Mandy: Profesor, Kanada terletak di mana?
Professor, where's Canada?

Professor: Kanada di sebelah utara dari sini.
Canada is north of here.

Mandy: Bisa tunjukkan di peta?
Can you show me on the map?

Professor: Tentu saja. Coba lihat di sini. Kanada di sebelah utara Amerika Serikat.
Sure. Look here. Canada is north of the United States.

Mandy: Oh begitu. Di mana Meksiko?
Oh, I see. Where's Mexico?

Professor: Meksiko di sebelah selatan Amerika Serikat.
Mexico is south of the United States.

Mandy: Bagaimana kalau Connecticut? Itu di mana?
How about Connecticut? Where's that?

Professor: Connecticut di sebelah timur New York.
Connecticut is east of New York.

Mandy: Negara bagian apa yang di sebelah barat Pennsylvania?
What state is west of Pennsylvania?

Professor: Ohio.

Mandy: Oke, di mana Los Angeles?
OK, Where's Los Angeles?

Professor: Los Angeles ada di California. Di sebelah tenggara San Francisco.
Los Angeles is in California. It's southeast of San Francisco.

Mandy: Di mana Boston?
Where's Boston.

Professor: Boston di bagian timur laut negara ini.
Boston is in the northeast part of the country.

Mandy: Di mana Las Vegas?
Where is Las Vegas?

Professor: Las Vegas di barat daya.
Las Vegas is in the southwest.

Percakapan 39

Ray: Hai Maria, sudah makan pagi?
Hi Maria, did you have breakfast yet?

Maria: Ya, saya makan di hotel dengan anak dan suami saya.
Yes, I ate at the hotel with my son and my husband.

Ray: Oh, makanan di hotel enak. Makan apa tadi?
Oh, they have good food there. What did you have?

Maria: Saya makan cereal, telur goreng dan jus orange.
I had some cereal, fried eggs and orange juice.

Ray: Bagaimana rasanya?
How was it?

Maria: Makanannya tidak terlalu enak, dan sebenarnya saya merasa kurang sehat sekarang.
The food didn't taste very good, and actually I don't feel very well now.

Ray: Kasihan. Mau istirahat?
That's too bad. Do you want to take a break?

Maria: Tidak. Saya kembali ke hotel untuk tiduran waktu makan siang nanti.
No, I'm going to go back to the hotel at lunch time to lie down.

Ray: Oke. Saya nanti pergi ke toko obat/apotik. Mau saya belikan sesuatu?
OK. I'm going to the drug store later. Is there anything I can get for you

Maria: Tidak, tidak apa-apa. Saya kira kalau istirahat sedikit bisa lebih baik.
No, that's OK. I think if I rest for a little while I'll feel better.

Percakapan 40

Jerry: Ann mau buat apa malam ini?
Ann what do you want to do tonight?

Ann: Saya mau pergi nonton film.
I'd like to go see a movie.

Jerry: Saya dengar "Titanic" sedang diputar di bioskop.
I heard Titanic is playing at the movie theater.

Ann: Oh, saya dengar filmnya bagus. Jam berapa mulainya?
Oh, I've heard that's a good movie. What time does it start?

Jerry: Jam setengah tujuh malam. Filmnya panjang. Saya kira sekitar tiga jam.
6:30PM. It's a long movie. I think it lasts for about 3 hours.

Ann: Apakah Anda bisa menjemput saya?
Will you come and pick me up?

Jerry: Jam berapa?
What time?

Ann: Saya kira kita harus sampai di sana lebih awal karena tiketnya bisa terjual habis. Apa jam lima sore oke?
I think we should get there early because they might be sold out. Is 5:00PM OK?

Jerry: Ya, tidak apa-apa. Saya di rumah Anda jam lima sore.
Yes, that'll be fine. I'll meet you at your house at 5:00PM.

Ann: Apakah Anda mau makan sesuatu sebelum nonton film?
Do you want to get something to eat before the movie?

Jerry: Saya tidak yakin waktunya cukup. Kita bisa makan popcorn atau hot dogs di bioskop kalau Anda mau.
I'm not sure there will be enough time for that. We can have popcorn and hot dogs at the theater if you want.

Ann: Saya kurang suka popcorn yang ada di sana. Saya kira mereka menaruh banyak garam.
I don't like the popcorn they have there. I think they put too much salt on it.

Jerry: Oke, saya jemput Anda lebih awal dan kita bisa pergi ke restoran Thailand di samping bioskop. Bagaimana?
OK then, I'll pick you up a little earlier and we can go to the Thai restaurant next to the theater, is that OK?

Ann: Ya, saya suka tempat itu.
Yes, I like that place.

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