Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012 | By: Carla Nueva

Percakapan 41-45

Percakapan 41

Patrick: Anda suka makanannya?
How do you like the food?

Diane: Rasanya betul-betul enak. Anda yang masak?
It tastes really great. Did you cook it?

Patrick: Ya, saya buat sore tadi. Mau tambah?
Yes. I made it this afternoon. Would you like some more?

Diane: Oke, sedikit saja. Saya betul-betul kenyang.
OK, just a little though. I'm really full.

Patrick: Oh. Apakah Anda mau sup saja?
Oh. Would you like some soup instead?

Diane: Sup apa?
What kind is it?

Patrick: Nasi dan tomat. Pernah coba sebelumnya?
Tomato and rice. Have you had that before?

Diane: Tidak. Ini pertama kalinya. Bagaimana rasanya?
No. This is my first time. How does it taste?

Patrick: Enak lho, coba saja- Bagaimana?
It's good, try it. What do you think?

Diane: Wah. Enak! Apakah Anda juga yang masak?
Wow. It is good. Did you make that also?

Patrick: Ya.

Diane: Anda betul-betul koki yang hebat.
You're a really good cook.

Patrick: Terima kasih, lain kali saya buat sup ayam untuk kita.
Thanks, next time I'll make chicken soup for us.

Diane: Kedengarannya asyik tuh. Apakah Anda belajar masak di sekolah?
That sounds good. Did you study cooking in school?

Patrick: Tidak, saya belajar sendiri. Saya punya buku resep yang bagus yang saya baca kalau pas ada waktu.
No, I learned by myself. I have a good cook book that I read when I have time.

Percakapan 42

Peter: Kelly, tolong bantu saya membawa barang-barang ini ke mobil.
Kelly, will you help me take these things to the car?

Kelly: Oke, mobil yang mana?
OK, which car do you want me to put them in?

Peter: Bawa ke mobil istri saya.
Bring them to my wife's car.

Kelly: Yang mana milik dia?
Which one is hers'?

Peter: SUV biru di depan Honda.
The blue SUV in front of the Honda.

Kelly: Mana yang harus dibawa lebih dahulu?
What should I take first?

Peter: Kursi yang di sana, tapi tolong hati-hati. Kursi itu hadiah dari ibu mertua saya.
That chair over there, but please be careful with it. It was a gift from my mother-in-law.

Kelly: Jangan kuatir. Saya tidak akan menjatuhkannya. Wah, berat sekali. Saya tidak bisa bawa sendiri.
Don't worry, I won't drop it. Wow, it's really heavy. I don't think I can move it by myself.

Peter: Mari saya bantu. Saya tidak mau punggung Anda sakit.
Let me help you with that. I don't want you to hurt your back.

Kelly: Barang-barang ini mau dibawa ke mana?
Where are you taking all this stuff?

Peter: Apakah saya belum bilang? Kami pindah ke Florida.
Didn't I tell you? We're moving to Florida?

Kelly: Anda pindah sekarang? Saya tahu kalau Anda mau pindah, tapi saya pikir pindahnya bulan depan.
You're moving now? I knew you were moving, but I thought you said you were moving next month

Peter: Ya, betul, tapi istri saya menemukan sebuah apartemen baru di Internet baru-baru ini dan dia ingin pindah secepatnya.
Yes, that's true, but my wife found a new apartment on the Internet the other day and she wants to move right away.

Percakapan 43

Henry: Judy, suami Anda punya mobil yang bagus sekali.
Judy, your husband has a really nice car.

Judy: Terima kasih. Mobilnya jauh lebih baik dari yang saya punya. Mobilnya baru.
Thanks. It's a lot better than mine, and it's new.

Henry: Mau ke mana?
Where are you going?

Judy: Kami mau mengunjungi saudara permpuan saya di kota.
We're going to visit my sister in the city.

Henry: Saya tidak tahu saudara perempuan Anda tinggal di kota, kapan dia pindah ke sana?
I didn't know your sister lives in the city, when did she move there?

Judy: Sekitar setahun yang lalu. Dia tinggal di apartemen di jalan "3rd street", di seberang perpustakaan umum.
About a year ago. She lives in an apartment on 3rd street, across from the public library.

Henry: Oh begitu. Hampir jam lima sore sekarang, bukankah sebentar lagi macet?
I see. It's almost 5:00 PM now, don't you think there will be a lot of traffic?

Judy: Oh, kita tidak naik mobil. Kita akan naik subway. Hanya makan waktu sekitar dua puluh menit.
Oh, we're not driving. We're going to take the subway. The subway only takes about 20 minutes.

Henry: Ya, tapi bisa ramai sekali pada jam-jam seperti ini. Saya selalu merasa tidak nyaman naik subway.
Yes, but it can be very crowded around this time. I always feel uncomfortable taking the subway.

Judy: Setiap hari saya naik subway ke pekerjaan, jadi saya terbiasa sekarang.
I take the subway to work everyday, so I'm used to it now.

Henry: Bukankah ibu Anda tinggal di kota?
Doesn't your mother live in the city?

Judy: Ya, dia tinggal di sana selama kira-kira sepuluh tahun.
Yes, she's lived there for about ten years.

Henry: Saya ingat waktu dia pindah ke sana. Apartemen-apartemennya masih jauh lebih murah.
I remember when she moved there. Apartments were a lot cheaper then.

Judy: Saya tahu maksud Anda. Sulit mencari sesuatu yang masuk akal/lumayan sekarang.
I know what you mean. It's hard to find anything that's reasonable now.

Henry: Selamat bersenang-senang. Kalau ada waktu bebas, telepon saya, ya, dan kita bisa pergi main poker.
Have a good time. Next time you're free, give me a call and we'll go play poker.

Judy: Sampai nanti.
See you later.

Percakapan 44

Kathy: Jim, saya dengar Anda pergi ke San Diego. Betul?
Jim, I heard you took a trip to San Diego. Is that right?

Jim: Ya, saya baru saja kembali pagi ini.
Yeah, I just got back this morning.

Kathy: Kedengarannya menyenangkan. Apa yang Anda lakukan di sana?
That sounds really nice. What did you do there?

Jim: Kami di sana hanya tiga hari, jadi tidak banyak yang dilakukan. Kami pergi berbelanja dan pergi makan malam beberapa kali. Kami jalan-jalan di kota pada waktu malam dengan beberapa teman.
Well, we were only there for three days, so we didn't do too much. We went shopping and went out to dinner a few times. At night we walked around the city with some friends.

Kathy: Apakah Anda mengambil foto?
Did you take any pictures?

Jim: Ya, saya punya foto-fotonya di sini. Anda mau lihat?
Yes, I have them with me. Do you want to look at them?

Kathy: Tentu saja, saya senang lihat foto.
Sure, I love looking at photos.

Jim: Ini foto saya dan istri di pantai, dan yang ini Emily, anak perempuan kami, sedang berdiri di samping istri saya.
This one is of my wife and me on the beach, and this one is our daughter Emily standing next to my wife.

Kathy: Anak perempuan Anda mirip dengan ibunya.
Your daughter looks like her mother.

Jim: Saya tahu, mereka mirip sekali.
I know, they look very similar.

Kathy: Di mana foto ini diambil?
Where was this picture taken?

Jim: Itu diambil di stasiun kereta api sebelum kami berangkat.
That was taken at the train station before we left.

Kathy: Apakah Anda sempat ke kebun binatang?
Did you have time to go to the zoo?

Jim: Tidak, kali ini tidak. Kami pergi waktu yang lalu.
No, not this time. We went there last time.

Kathy: Kelihatannya kalian punya waktu yang menyenangkan.
It looks like you all had a nice time.

Jim: Ya, itu benar-benar menyenangkan.
Yeah, it was a lot of fun.

Percakapan 45

Receptionist: Selamat sore, ada yang bisa saya bantu?
Good afternoon, how may I help you?

Ryan: Hai, saya mau pesan beberapa bunga.
Hi, I'd like to order some flowers.

Receptionist: Bunganya untuk siapa?
Who are they for?

Ryan: Untuk istri saya. Namanya Samantha.
They're for my Wife. Her name is Samantha.

Receptionist: Bunga jenis apa yang Anda mau?
What kind of flowers would you like?

Ryan: Saya kurang tahu. Saya tidak tahu banyak tentang bunga. Bisa menyarankan sesuatu?
I don't know. I don't know too much about flowers. Can you recommend something?

Receptionist: Oke. Apa alasan Anda mengirim bunga?
OK. What's the reason you are sending her flowers?

Ryan: Hari ini ulang tahunnya dan dia bilang kalau dia ingin saya membelikannya bunga.
Today's her birthday and she told me she wants me to buy her flowers.

Receptionist: Anda tahu jenis bunga apa yang dia suka?
Do you know what kind of flowers she likes?

Ryan: Saya kurang yakin. Saya tahu tapi sekarang tidak bisa ingat.
I'm not sure. I know I should know that, but I can't remember right now.

Receptionist: Bunganya untuk istri Anda, jadi saya kira sebaiknya Anda berikan mawar saja.
Well, they're for your wife, so I think you should give her roses.

Ryan: Mawar juga bagus.
Roses will be fine.

Receptionist: Warna apa?
What color?

Ryan: Saya kira merah pasti bagus.
I think red would be nice.

Receptionist: Apakah Anda mau ambil sendiri atau kami antar?
Do you want to pick them up or should we deliver them?

Ryan: Apakah Anda bisa antar?
Can you deliver them please.

Receptionist: Alamatnya apa?
What's the address?

Ryan: 241 Main Street
241 Main street.

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